Important Admissions Dates

The application period for the 2025-2026 period has ended.

When you join Inman Park Cooperative Preschool, you become part of a supportive community for the whole family. We want every family to thrive in our environment and ensure it’s the right fit for you. Due to volume and interest in the school, we do not accept applications after the deadline. Here are important admission dates for the 2025 - 2026 school year to keep in mind:


  • Jan 1: Application Opens 

  • Jan 11: Open House 

  • Jan 25: Open House 

  • January 30: Open House

  • Feb 3: Written Application due 

  • March 3: Notified if you received an interview 

  • March 8 - 16th: In-Person Interviews

  • April 1: Admission decisions emailed

If Waitlisted & Next Steps

There are many factors that impact classroom availability. Our availability changes each year based on re-enrollment, sibling enrollment, and the specific days each family selects. This availability can also change over the course of the spring and summer. Because of this, we don’t share any projected availability during the admissions process. However, we prioritize offering spots to waitlisted families as soon as we are able each spring. 

If you're placed on our waitlist after the interview process, please know that we are committed to providing you with a timely update if/when spots open. We understand how busy life can be, and we understand that you are seeking the best care for your little one!

Interested in applying, but not quite ready? Fill out this form for more information.

Stay up to Date

Keep up to date with admissions and the school by following us on Instagram.