Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline is at the heart of IPCP’s classroom management and social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. Conscious Discipline is based on the principles of helping every child feel safe and connected so they are available to learn. Our teachers are equipped to integrate social-emotional learning, discipline, and self-regulation so they spend less time policing behavior and more time teaching vital life skills. Children feel a sense of safety and connection through the Seven Skills of Discipline and the creation of a School Family.

Seven Skills of Discipline

The Seven Skills of Discipline show teachers how to utilize everyday events to teach important skills to children. The Seven Skills of Discipline are: Composure, Assertiveness, Encouragement, Choices, Empathy, Positive Intent, and Consequences.

Through the Seven Skills, children learn how to:

  • Calm when they are upset or mad

  • Understand their feelings and use words to express how they feel

  • Control impulses

  • Tell others how to treat them

  • Express empathy for other children who are hurt or upset

  • Cooperate to accomplish a task or solve a problem

  • Solve conflicts in a respectful manner

The School Family

One of the most important aspects of Conscious Discipline is the creation of the School Family. The purpose of the School Family is to build connections between teachers, families, and children. These connections work to create an environment where every person is an important contributor to the School Family. 

The teachers at IPCP work to create the School Family through routines, rituals, and structures. 

Routines are important for teaching children what behavior is expected of them and helping children know what they can expect during the school day. The hand-washing and lining-up routines are just a few examples of routines built into the day. 

Rituals are greetings, songs, chants, and other events that happen in the classroom every day. They are important for building authentic connections and togetherness within the classes. Some daily rituals at IPCP include the morning greeting, the hello song, and the goodbye song.

Structures support the School Family in different ways, from providing a quiet place to calm down to giving every child a task to complete each day. The structures at IPCP include the Safe Place, We Care Bags, Jobs, and Visual Routines. 

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