Our Toddler Program is for children age 12 months through 36 months and is located in our Waddell building, just across the street from the Edgewood building.
We have three toddler classes, one for children age 12-24 months and two classes for children age 24 months-36 months.
Toddler 1 Class
1-2 Years
5:1 Ratio
1 Parent Helper
Toddler 2 Class
2-3 Years
7:1 Ratio
1 Parent Helper
In keeping with the Creative Curriculum and our nature–based curriculum that is used throughout the entire school, we encourage play-based exploration with an emphasis on building community and social-emotional skills such as cooperation. During choice time, teachers are observing children, facilitating interactions when necessary, and encouraging children to participate in small group projects such as art, cooking and learning activities. By supporting self-directed learning teachers are helping build a strong foundation that promotes an overall love of learning.
The Waddell building and the adjacent Outdoor Classroom—or Toddler Garden—provide IPCP toddlers many opportunities to challenge themselves through seeing, touching, feeling, tasting, hearing and moving, thereby supporting children’s cognitive and physical development and also allowing children to make real life connections in their world